No one should die from an asthma attack or severe allergic reaction.

Nebulizers (neb cups)

So, most of us refer to these devices as neb cups, but these are actually the nebulizers and the machines are the compressors.

Most neb cups today, in the US, are reusable, and come with instructions on how to clean them - it's pretty easy and very manageable in a school setting.

Keep in mind that if you have a student needing to use the schools nebulizer compressor, they must supply their own albuterol for nebulizing, neb cup & tubing.  The school is NOT responsible for supplying  students' personal medications.

Neb cups may be purchased at your local durable medication store/home health store.


Your school is NOT obligated to purchase any of the above nebulizer systems.  Any brand of nebulizer compressor, in good operating condition, will put you in compliance with the Rule 59 protocol.  The above systems are simply a recommendation

AIRE Nebraska discount code:  AIRE nebraska - 79432

will provide a discount of $5 off the purchase of these three nebulizer systems

This code is for school use ONLY!



If your compressor filter looks dirty - you need to change it out to keep the compressor operating efficiently.

Filters are still available for the PARI ProNeb Ultra, which many Nebraska schools may still be using. The same filter works for the PARI ProNeb, the PARI Vios and the PARI Trek S.

They are only $9.95 plus S&H for three filters.



PARI filters for ProNeb, Vios & Trek S

over ten years ago:  

Attack On Asthma Nebraska assisted hundreds of

Nebraska schools obtain nebulizer compressors.  Many of your schools may still be using the compressor you see to the right. 


Schools still need to maintain a nebulizer compressor at school.  AIRE Nebraska has reached out to and obtained a coupon code for schools who need to update, upgrade or expand to a portable, battery operated nebulizer compressor. See below for more information.

nebulizer compressors


Your feedback is important.  Please let us know about your experience with  Thanks!         CONTACT FORM

Nebulizers - to share or not to share?

Nebraska  schools are required to have a nebulizer compressor, including nebulizer cup, tubing & albuterol for nebulizing, to be in compliance with the Rule 59 protocol, Emergency Response to Life-Threatening Asthma or Severe Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis).

While Nebraska schools are not obligated to share this nebulizer compressor for student use, AIRE Nebraska does encourage schools to share the school's  nebulizer compressor for those students who might need the occasional  use of the nebulizer compressor.  That said, the recommendation of sharing of the school's compressor is based on the very occasional  usage, not daily or any ongoing regular usage, and the student must supply the medication for nebulizing, the nebulizer (cup), tubing and mask (if necessary) as the school is not responsible for supplying medication or durable medical equipment to  students.

AIRE  Nebraska would recommend that students needing regular treatments, i.e. exercise pre-treatment, consult their physician regarding the use of  the inhaler with a valved-holding chamber or, if need be, a  prescription for a compressor to be kept at school for that student's  specific use during the school day.

The school's medications, EpiPen & albuterol for nebulizing, are there for life-threatening emergencies ONLY and must be used accordingly - EpiPen first, followed by nebulized albuterol!!